The Grand Opening of The World's Smallest Tea Shoppe
Posted on March 18 2021
The first public outing for our newly formed tea company, Chesser Roe was held at "First Friday" at the Valise Gallery on Vashon Island, WA. The event provided us an opportunity to introduce a few of our select Chesser Roe teas to the public for the first time and the tiny space inside the gallery, normally just a shelf, became our Shoppe.
Our elaborate teapots, scattered among various occasional tables (thanks, Tom!) around the Gallery complimented the walls hung with colorful tea-themed works by painters Pascale Judet, Sharon Shaver, George Wright, and Rachel Lord Kenaga. In one corner stood a giant teacup by Jiji Saunders, made from large wooden cards strung together with cloth twine, and filled with sugar cubes.
As the evening began, people trickled in and seemed intrigued to sample our teas from tiny porcelain cups as they meandered among the works. In one corner, a Chinese teapot held "Fourth Chakra – Heart" tea. At the front door, a glass pot was filled with the blush colored "Fruitcake" tea, and on the vintage tea chests were pots of "Digest" and "Seventh Shakra – Crown." As the evening progressed, the gallery and The World's Smallest Tea Shoppe was crammed with people and kids. One young girl of about 11, sipped several cups of Heart Chakra declaring it her favorite. People were curious about the teas and Adrain Chesser, one of our founders was happy to expound upon each tea to curious sippers.
At the end of the night, after brewing countless pots of tea, Chesser Roe and The World's Smallest Tea Shoppe had made their splash and Chesser Roe was officially launched, with much fanfare and its very first sale!